Hanse Yachting World Charter Management
The easiest way to your own Hanse yacht!

Owning a yacht often seems like a big commitment. Along with the financial aspect of purchasing and servicing a yacht, you must arrange for the berth, regular maintenance and check-ups while you are also spending time of your long-awaited holidays to get the yacht ready for your sailing trip every time you want to use it. If you would like to own a yacht without having to worry about anything, or if you are not sure you could afford your dream yacht, maintain it or if you think that you will not be using it enough to be worth buying it, our Yachting World charter management is something that would fit in your plans.

The Hanse Yachting World Charter Management program is essentially our range of services that ensure our care of your yacht and its charter guests, making sure that your yacht reaches its charter income potential and retains as much value as possible over the years. This program is designed to make the yacht ownership as easy as it gets while it will also cover your yachts running costs and in certain charter management models bring additional profit, making your yacht purchase an investment.

Our charter management program has already been recognized by many satisfied owners.

Principali vantaggi della gestione charter

  • Proprietà senza preoccupazioni
  • possibilità di un minore investimento iniziale
  • tutti i costi di proprietà dello yacht sono coperti
  • lo yacht è sempre pronto per le tue vacanze
  • elevati standard di manutenzione garantiscono il miglior valore di rivendita per il tuo yacht
  • condizioni speciali di acquisto per il tuo yacht
  • vendita o permuta facile con il nostro supporto di intermediazione

Ti innamorerai di questa zona di navigazione

Una volta entrato nel nostro programma della gestione charter Yachting World, il tuo yacht sarà posizionato sulla costa croata, in una delle nostre basi charter.

La costa croata è unica con le sue 1185 isole e isolotti e offre luoghi affascinanti da scoprire. Puoi essere un fan di antiche rovine, baie tranquille con acqua cristallina in cui nuotare o città vivaci e alla moda, la costa croata ha tutto.

Natura affascinante, lunga catena di isole aspre della costa montuosa della Croazia, abbondanza di ancoraggi e clima stabile fanno della Croazia un paradiso per le crociere con le condizioni di navigazione perfette. Per tutti gli amanti della privacy o per coloro che preferiscono la natura incontaminata, la Croazia offre selvaggia bellezza mediterranea, colori caldi con una bella luce, vegetazione generosa e profumata. La sua costa alterna scogliere e grotte, insenature rocciose, spiagge di ciottoli fini e baie maestose. Viaggiare in Croazia è facile e veloce, in due ore di aereo puoi raggiungerla da quasi ogni angolo d'Europa.

Yachting World Ownership

Yachting World Ownership

Diversi modelli del nostro programma di gestione charter portano diversi vantaggi, puoi sfogliarli sui link sottostanti e vedere cosa preferisci.

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Yachting World Partnership

Yachting World Partnership

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Ecco cosa dicono i nostri clienti

"My name is Jozsef Devenyi, friends call me Joe and I am an electrical engineer, founder, co-owner and CEO of Anico Kft HU. My company is in the radio communication business, but I am also a founder, co-owner and CEO of Happy Sailor d.o.o., used for our charter business in Croatia. Before investing in charter management, I used to charter..."

Scritto da Jozsef Devenyi - Joe

"My name is Daniel Korth. Together with Markus Söfje, I am a managing director and founder of the charter agency Auszeit-yachtcharter. Besides the agency business, we operate our own yachts in the Baltic sea and Croatia. In the operation and maintenance of our Croatian yachts, we have been successfully working with Croatia Yachting as a partner for 5 years now!..."

Scritto da Daniel Korth
What about yacht Maintenance?

Sometimes the build year of the yacht is not that important – regardless of the yachts age, a properly maintained yacht is the only way to a satisfied charter guest and at the same time the key to a successful business process. Consequently, our professionally educated staff constantly supervises the condition of the yacht and its equipment. With regular services we act in advance in order to prevent any bigger malfunctions and to provide a safe and high-quality vacation for charter guests. With continuous supervision and maintenance, we ensure the longevity of your yacht and equipment as well as a higher price in charter and a higher market value when you decide to sell the yacht. The owner of the yacht has a permanent insight in maintenance processes and their cost – the yachts that we hold in our bases are the best evidence of the quality of service that we provide.

As an official Hanse representative, we guarantee high-quality aftersales support with prompt processing of claims throughout warranty and after the warranty has passed. In fact, we will make all the warranty claims for you to ensure the yacht is always in top condition.

What if the yacht gets damaged?

All yachts in our charter fleet are covered with a full CASCO insurance policy. Damage repair costs are covered by the insurance policy or the charter client responsible for the damage. Repairs are done either by us as an official Hanse representative or a third-party specialized service, depending on the nature of the necessary repairs.

How is the yacht insured?

The yacht is insured with a full CASCO insurance policy that covers all damage repairs and the loss of charter income from the first day of damage.

Is there insurance against loss of income?

The full CASCO insurance policy covers the loss of charter income from the first day of damage.

How do I get to use my yacht?

In the Hanse Yachting World Ownership you are entitled to 10 owners weeks within the charter season (from April 1st to October 31st) with maximum 3 weeks in July and August and maximum 3 consecutive weeks. You can book the owners weeks in advance. Bear in mind that the more weeks you use the less income you can expect. You can also use additional owners weeks outside of the charter season. When using the owners’ week, the owner is supposed to cover only the costs of yacht preparation and local taxes without paying the charter fee.

In the Hanse Yachting World Partnership model you can use the yacht for up to 3 weeks including 2 weeks in high season.

When using the owners’ week, the owner is supposed to cover only the costs of yacht preparation and local taxes without paying the charter fee. Just call and book the vacation on the yacht – we will take care of everything else.

What are my options at the end of the Hanse Yachting World partnership contract?
  • You can transfer to our Hanse Yachting World ownership model and earn extra income with your yacht.
  • You can sail away with your yacht.
  • You can trade in your yacht for a new one.
  • You can sell your yacht and perhaps finance a new yacht purchase with the help of Hanse Yachting World partnership model.
  • If you decide to sell your yacht, we can help you with that through our yacht brokerage service.
In what condition is the yacht after the program and what is its market value?

In a very good and fully functional condition. Of course, the result of chartering is a higher level of wear of the yacht, which can be taken care of with minimal investment and reconstruction. In any case, most of the charter yachts in our fleet are in better condition than many private yachts, due to the fact that they are constantly supervised and regularly maintained by professionals in our charter company.

In our experience, after 5 years in the Hanse Yachting World Charter Management program the yacht’s market value is at least 65% of its initial purchase value. This is also one of the advantages when choosing a Hanse yacht, as it is a preferred private owner’s brand and there are not that many used Hanse yachts for sale in any particular moment, as is the case with other yacht brands suitable for charter.

Hai bisogno di aiuto?

Se sei interessato all'acquisto di uno yacht o hai bisogno di aiuto per pianificare la tua vacanza perfetta, contattaci e i nostri esperti risponderanno volentieri a tutte le tue domande.

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